Special Education BTS Blog Hop and Giveaways

A 20 PLUS teachers all giving away FREEBIES ! Click on this awesome ebook link below to look at the Back to School Tips Book. Included in the book on every page are links to freebies along with helpful tips to help you get started just right this coming school year.

One of the most important things you need at the beginning of every school year, especially in a special education classroom are schedules.
Schedule help students know what they are supposed to be doing, they help the class to flow better and often help make students, especially those on the Autism Spectrum feel more at ease know what they will next.
Not only are schedules good to use in the self-contained classroom but they are great to use in inclusion classroom as well.
I have found schedules extremely useful in many types of classrooms and with many different types of students. Think about yourself or people you know. What would happen if they lost their planner or their phone with their schedule and calendar on it? Some of these people would be fine but others would be "lost", not knowing how to function without their phone and while most adults would not pitch a fit because they don't know their schedule or the next thing on their day, some would. Kids, especially those with disabilities find it hard
what they will do next, or get distracted after they have completed one task and do not know what to do. A schedule can keep them focused and on track.
Schedules can help can also help the child that has difficulty with unexpected changes in the regular schedule.  Using a schedule has also been shown to help increase independence! IF a student can tell from a schedule where he/she needs to be, then they will require less prompting from the adult.
So as you get ready to start another school year, think about schedules for your students and what type they may need. In the meantime click the schedule picture above  to pick up yours for a discounted price this week.

And to keep your summer going great, I'm having a giveaway of 3 products from my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Click on the Rafflecopter Giveaway below to enter for your chance at 3 FREE products

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the blog hop and the giveaway

  2. Great stuff! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Thanks for participating in this great blog hop!

  5. I've been following your weekly back to school guide. Thank you for all the great information!

  6. I am loving all of the new blogs I am finding through this blog hop! :)

  7. Thanks for participating in the blog hop!!

  8. Great blog hop & giveaway! Thanks for participating. Fingers crossed!

  9. Thanks for freebies! I'm learning about so many new blogs.

  10. Thank you so mjuch! I am a new blogger and 10 year special ed teacher. I would love to join up with one of your blog hops in the future. I am motivationinthemiddle.com
    Thanks again!

  11. This blog hop looks great! Thanks so much!

  12. I'm loving this Blog Hop. Thanks.
